• (+91) 9108464458
  • daivikscansanddiagnostics@gmail.com

It is one of most common form of arthritis, usually affect one joint at a time , great toe, ankle, knee are affected commonly, but hands, elbow, shoulder can be affected in advanced disease. Occurs due to deposition of uric acid in joints, uric acid is normally produced in body is excreted through urine. uric acid will deposit in joint when produced in excess or under excreted will get deposited in joint

Common in middle to older age group
More common in male, occurs in female after menopause

Symptoms – pain and swelling of affected joint include, severe, disturbing sleep, associated with redness, usually last for a week to 10 days, may subside spontaneously followed by a period of no symptoms (inter-critical period), if not treated properly repeated attack leads to gouty arthritis.

Development of Gout

  • Symptoms may be precipitated by diet rich in protein, surgery, or trauma, infection, alcohol intake
  • Obesity, kidney disease, certain medications are predisposing factor
  • Diagnosis – based on clinical symptoms and signs, blood test, x ray and ultrasound examination will confirm diagnosis

Treatment – Main aim of treatment is to reduce symptoms and lower uric acid level

Non pharmacological intervention

  • Diet modification – reduce intake of red meat, alcohol, fructose rich beverages, spinach , protein rich food like paneer ,sprouted pulses
  • Healthy balanced diet
  • Regular exercises and weight reduction

Pharmacological intervention

  • Symptomatic relief – pain killer, ice package applications
  • Drugs to reduce further attack
  • Drugs to reduce uric acid level